Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Coloring Down the Lines - Party Wishes

It's Wednesday and time for our blog hop. Would you believe it was snowing yesterday? It was supposed be only a slight snow squall, but we ended up with almost an inch. I left work to go to get my hair done, and by the time I left the hairdresser (1-1/2 hours later), the snow was coming down so hard, it was like a white out. I was excited, but, I knew I had to drive home in it. Luckily, I made it fine, but it sure was slippery because even the salt trucks hadn't been out yet.

Anyway, don't let me divert! It's time for our Coloring Down the Lines, and this week, our challenge was to come up with a card / design using some very basic colors. Here is what we had to work with this week:

I had no idea what I wanted to do with these colors, but I managed to come up with something that didn't turn out too bad. I was thinking of presents, and who doesn't like presents? The holidays are basically over, but presents are a welcome gift anytime. 

This is my card for you this week:  Yah, Presents!!!

If you've arrived here from Amanda's blog, hopefully you've seen Robbie's entry too. Make sure you hop back if you haven't. Then take a leap on over to Joni's site and see what she's made for you this week. Always fun, always new ideas, and ... a brand new year.

Thanks for stopping by!

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